Contact Mark
Contact details for Mark Oborn

The Techniques
My goal, always, is to help you and your business develop and grow. To effect this change I use the techniques above and couple them with my business background.

The Coaching
6 months of intensive Executive Elite Coaching with an NLP Master Practitioner. Breakthrough the barriers to achieve what you want in life.

About Mark
Mark Oborn MBA Certified Master Practitioner of NLP Master Practitioner Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner of Hypnosis Master NLP Coach
Breakthrough Life Coaching
Do you want to improve your business performance?
Do you want to increase your personal success?
As a scientific person and speaking to you as an expert you will know that business & life success comes from a mix of process driven systems, detailed planning, focus, a desire to do the best and above all, the right mindset.
And that’s what I am focused on, helping you, the skillful practitioner & professional put all of your knowledge and experience to the best use for the benefit of yourself, your business, your team and ultimately your customers.
Join me on a journey to success with the Elite Breakthrough Coaching
I primarily work with professionals in the healthcare or wellness sector – Dentists, Doctors, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Reflexologists & Aromatherapists – however my Elite Breakthrough Coaching is suitable for any industry or individual wanting to breakthrough and achieve more.
I am based in Dorset and offer breakthrough life coaching from Bournemouth, along the coast through Bridport, Dorchester, Weymouth and as far west as Exeter. If you’re looking for a life coach near you, look no further.
With the advent of modern technology can also offer elite breakthrough coaching to clients throughout the UK.
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WHAT’S YOUR CHUNK SIZE? [No rude answers please🤣]
This article is particularly focused at dentists and helping them improve performance in their dental practice using an understanding of
Understanding the problem we cause ourselves by using the word ‘makes’
In NLP we have a range of ‘Linguistic presuppositions’, these are words that many of us use and they give
Know Thyself – What type of thinker are you? NLP Representational Systems
This article is primarily focused at healthcare professionals, particularly dentists although the content is relevant to anyone in business. Did
What is a life coach?
People often get confused between coaching and consulting so in this article I want to explain what the coach will
How does NLP work?
In this podcast edition I talk in depth about how NLP works. NLP is primarily a system for understanding how
How to deal with stress at work
Stress can be incredibly harmful, both emotionally and physically. In this episode I go through a precise technique you can
Common problems people experience
This is amazing and so exciting! I’ve had 3 discovery calls in the past week and I thought I’d share
Manipulation is Bad, so we Shouldn’t do it. True or False?
There’s lots of talk about manipulating people, how bad it is & how we should never do it. The problem
Where does your motivation come from?
I’ve recently started to run the Park Run 5K, it’s quite incredible that I’m actually at this stage as just
Win at all costs – the right mentality?
Should you win at all costs? Absolutely YES. And, definitely NO. Okay, slightly confusing, let me tell you a little
My Successful Story – Mark Oborn MBA
In this podcast it’s time for me to be interview as as one of The Performance Academy instructors. This is
My Successful Story – Sue Wheeler BSc
This podcast I interview one of The Performance Academy instructors, Sue Wheeler. This is part of the getting to know
Is using labels to describe ourselves healthy? “I am asthmatic” – REALLY?
We often give ourselves labels. I am asthmatic. I am epileptic. I am fat. Are these labels beneficial to us?
How to Shift Realities
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Meditation to help with stress
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How to make money, money, money
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In Conversation with Grant McAree
In this edition of ” in conversation with…” I’m privileged to chat with Dr Grant McAree, a highly successful dentist
Using the Power of Flexibility & The Law of Requisite Variety
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What is NLP?
A Look at Neuro-linguistic programming Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a personal development technique that can be used to treat anxiety,
Using NLP to help Covid Fatigue
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The Ultimate Success Criteria
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My Success Full Interview – Nicki Rowland
Would you like CPD for listening to this interview? Then sign up to The Performance Academy for a range of
Are you stressed? No you’re not, and I can prove it.
A team based University College London found that when they performed a meta analysis of 13 existing European studies covering
My Successful Interview – Jane Lelean
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How much is too much, or not enough?
When I did my MBA we looked at a concept called “Satisficing”. Satisficing is a decision-making strategy that aims for a
Can NLP change your life?
What is neurolinguistic programming and how does it work? Let’s get one thing straight, there isn’t actually anyone definitive thing
Values Level Thinking
The work of the psychology Professor, Clare Graves in the years between 1952 and 1959 gives us a deep understanding
Goal setting for healthcare professionals
Successful people and businesses always have a goal, or Definite Chief Aim. This is your aim or goal in business,
What makes a dental, medical or healthcare business successful?
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The Baader Meinhoff Phenomenon
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2 NLP Presuppositions to Make Communication Easier
NLP utilises the concept known as presuppositions, these are beliefs which, if adopted, can help improve our own mind set
How is it possible
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Internal Dialogue – what is it and how can we use it better?
We all have that internal dialogue/chatter in our heads, don’t we? And if you said “no” to that question, well,
Starting things a new
Apologies if this is a blog post from the heart, but I feel this is the best type of post!
Can you choose to see things differently?
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Everyone’s in SALES, Aren’t They?
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What is important to you
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Never set SMART goals
Let me tell you a little story. Prior to the 1950s there was a very definite school of thought which
The Classic ‘Sales’ Close – Time for a Change?
We’ve we have all heard it haven’t we “If price was no object would you buy this from me now?”.
Communication using NLP – Some Neat Linguistic Tricks
NLP is a great tool to use the communication as the ‘L’ in NLP stands for linguistics. Having an understanding
How to lose weight and stay slim
Yep, I thought that title would get your attention. While you have creams such as goji which are helping people
Wikipedia says NLP is discredited
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“I’m Just a ….” Do you Say this?
“I just a housewife”, ” I’m just a nurse”, ” I’m just a builder”, ” I’m just….” Do you say
What do you distort in your life?
In the late 1950’s Noam Chomsky completed his Ph.D. thesis Transformational Grammar. In it he explained that there are three
Conversational Hypnosis – An Introduction to Hypnotic Language Patterns
A guest blog post by my good friend Joanna Taylor MHS (Acc) Clinical Hypnotherapist & NLP Master Practitioner. Hypnotic language is
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques
NLP it is far more then just a collection of techniques, often people like to reduce NLP to this level
Overcoming Fear
Many people go through their lives carrying considerable amounts of fear, sometimes this fear is linked to specific events and
NLP Fact or Fraud?
Many people talk about the fraudulent use of therapies such as NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and a simple Google search for
Work Stress and How to Overcome it
There was a report recently published by a few hypnosis continuing education experts that looked at the link between heart
What makes you happy?
On 24 July this year the Office for National Statistics released its reports its subjective well-being study it has carried
The Olympic Motivation Factor
Did you enjoy the Olympics? Do you perhaps feel more motivated afterwards? The UK athletes certainly seemed to thrive on
How can NLP help the businesses of Rickmansworth
There was a recent report by the government department responsible for statistics which highlighted that many people in the UK
If your dreams don’t scare you…
There are lots of these motivational images going around on Facebook at the moment, and here is another one that
Why do you need a Business Coach?
I’ve just responded to a great question on a Dental Forum which asked : “Why do you need a business
Exploring the Mind-Body Connection
This is a guest blog post by good friend of mine Joanna Taylor – enjoy… Exploring the Mind-Body Connection Joanna
A New Way to Weigh
Since when was a problem with weight actually about the weight? There really is a simple way to loose weight,
Weight Loss, Business, Personal Development – What’s the Connection?
What’s the connection between these 3 things? This is often a difficult thing for people to grasp and leads to
The Struggles Will Make You Stronger – Will They?
I’ve just seen this on Facebook on one of those motivational images: “The Struggle’s Make You Stronger…” This implies that
Are you seeing pictures too?
Visualising is a great way to work with your mind. Most people have pictures in their mind’s eye of things,
You can not, not communicate
Yes I know, it sounds like a brain teaser but it’s true… you can not not communicate. Everything you do
10 Things to Change in Order to be a Success
Realise that Success is a state of mind and states can be accesses at will. So you are already a
You Get What You Focus on
Do you know people who never seem to quite reach the success they want? Perhaps you know of others that
Stop Your Limiting Belief with NLP
Today is Friday 13th (at least it is while I’m pondering this post!)- typically this is a day when people
Who Controls Your Life?
I listened to a fascinating program last night about Julian Rotter who is an eminent Clinical Psychologist. He wrote and
How much Business Are You Missing Out on By Not Doing This?
How much business are you missing out on by not using the Best sales funnel builder or by not following
How to Communicate REALLY Effectively
If we can communicate more effectively we can: Close more sales Have better relationships Engage more clients Keep more
The Power of the Unconscious Mind
How powerful is your unconscious mind? Very I’d say, it looks after you while you sleep, keeping you breathing, your
What do you believe about yourself that’s holding you back?
I watched part of a fascinating program last night about the British Empire and it’s hold upon India. Jeremy Paxman
I bet you don’t treat people like this, do you?
Respect other people’s model of the world. This is one of the core understandings that we hold in the world
Will you avoid this classic new business mistake?
So you set up your new small business and feel very proud. But as you’ve got few clients at the
Successful Business Goals
There are loads of ways to work out if your goal or outcome is well formed, the SMART acronym is
Here's what others say about Mark
and his coaching & training
"Mark - I think you are a genius"

"You changed my life forever, thank you"

"…thanks you’re so proactive, you inspired me…"
