Have you ever ‘clicked’ with someone and felt that you really liked them, without truly knowing then that well?
Have you ever felt like winning at online slots real money and feel so lucky? How about at a party with strangers, have you ever found yourself feeling more at ease with some rather than others, even though you don’t know any of them?
Being able to build rapport with another person is a great skill to have when used ecologically. It allows you to connect with another person so they trust you more – here are some examples of when building deep and meaningful rapport is good to do:
There are many other examples… but what do you notice about the ones above?
The client always has a better experience because of it!
This is what is known as an ecological technique in NLP and is the perfect way to use rapport building techniques.
There are many ways to build rapport – most work best when you practice the techniques so that you are able to do them unconsciously without thinking.
Give it a try. The nest time you are in a meeting with lots of other people and its all going well, just take a look around the room. I bet all the people’s body language will be in time, they’ll all cross their legs together and lean back in their chairs together – this is true rapport in action.
If you then deliberately mismatch these actions you’ll feel your body stepping out of rapport. You may even notice other people looking round at you and a shift in the energy in the room.
This really is a powerful technique, use it wisely and carefully.